Low Level Irrigation for Hedging, Trees, Flower Beds & Borders

Gardenline dripper line is specifically designed for irrigation of plants in gardens, public areas or commercial landscape sites. The brown UV protected tube can be laid on the surface or under mulch materials and provides reliable and consistent watering. Spacing in Gardenline is every 33cm.

Available in sizes 16mm x 25M and 16mm x 100M.

Main Features:

  • Pressure regulated dripper ensuring uniform distribution of water from every outlet thereby maintaining plant growth uniformity
  • Unique labyrinth dripper outlet that is both self-flushing and highly clogging resistant thereby minimising dry areas and reducing maintenance requirements
  • Brown UV-protected tube that blends into the background for better aesthetics and also reduces unwanted attention
  • Durable construction for longer life

Click here for Gardenline & Fittings.

Porous Pipe can also be used for watering Hedging, Trees, Flower Beds & Borders. It is a porous flexible rubber pipe which sweats when placed in or on top of the soil, where it acts as a wick. The capillary action of the soil draws water from the pipe, which replaces water used by trees, plants, crops etc. This action delivers water, oxygen and nutrients uniformly through the soil directly to the roots. It can be used for both surface and sub irrigation and to water capillary matting on benches. Available in sizes 16mm x 15M, 16mm x 30M, 16mm x 50M and 16mm x 100M.

Click here for Porous Pipe & Fittings.

T-Tape (Layflat) drip tape is another product that can be used for watering Hedging, Trees, Flower Beds & Borders. One of the most recognized and trusted drip tape brands in the world, T-Tape Drip Tape is used in a variety of crops around the world helping to reduce water consumption, increase crop quality, and increase crop yields. The black T-Tape can be installed on the ground, under plastic, or even subsurface. Because of T-Tape’s material strength, design, and quality production standards, it’s the drip tape that you can count on year after year. Spacing in T-Tape is every 20cm. 16mm diameter when inflated. Available ex-stock in a 375M and 3048M length. Other sizes available by request.

Click here for T-Tape & Fittings.

Deker Hort Irrigation Gardenline
Deker Hort Irrigation Soaker Hose
Deker Hort Irrigation T-Tape

Overhead Irrigation for Tunnels, Glasshouses and Outside Beds

PVC Pipe is widely used and a very effective way to irrigate.

Using 75mm, 63mm or 50mm PVC pipe for your mains, and then running off in 40mm or 32mm PVC pipe to feed standpipes for sprinklers, or to feed overhead sprinkler lines using 32mm PVC drilled pipe with NaanDan upside down rotor fitted with drainage preventer.

Click here for PVC Pipe & Fittings.

Click here for Sprinklers for Outdoors.

Click here for Sprinklers for Tunnels & Glasshouses.

Deker Hort Overhead Irrigation Tunnels, Glasshouses & Outside BedsDeker Hort Overhead Irrigation Tunnels

Automated Systems

Irrigation systems can be automated if required by using Galcon / Hunter Controllers. A battery operated controller is used for smaller systems. For larger systems use a wired control panel with solenoid valves.

Click here for Controllers.

Click here for Solenoid Valves.

Deker Hort Automated Systems

Drip Irrigation for Planters, Pots and Hanging Baskets

Single Set Drippers are ideal for watering hanging baskets and planters. The drippers are designed to produce a uniform output from 2L/hr to 8L/hr. Drippers can be fitted to 16mm or 20mm Black Polyethylene Pipe with Barbed Fittings.

Click here for Black Polyethylene Pipe.

Click here for Drippers.

Click here for Barbed Fittings.

Deker Hort Drip Irrigation

Sprinkler Irrigation for Outdoor Beds

Sprinkler Irrigation systems are used indoors or outdoors and are designed for smaller pots. Mini sprinklers using spikes, leads with bayonet connectors and extra range rotors can be fitted to 20mm Black Polyethylene Pipe with Barbed Fittings. Sprinkler Stands also available.

Click here for Sprinkler Products.

Click here for Black Polyethylene Pipe.

Click here for Barbed Fittings.

Click here for Sprinkler Stands.

Deker Hort Sprinker Irrigation Outdoor Beds

Hand Watering

We stock a range of high quality hand watering equipment for effective watering of nurseries, garden centres and gardens.

Click here for Tricoflex Hose & Quick Couplings.

Click here for Hand Lances, Rose Heads & Spray Guns.

Click here for Hose Trolleys.

Deker Hort Irrigation Hand Watering

The below sections are a selection of our irrigation products. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, please click here for more products – please contact us for supply and price details.

Click on the below buttons to view sections of our brochure or click here to view our full 2025 Brochure.

If you require a hard copy of our brochure, we would be happy to mail one to you.

Click here to view our contact details.

Dosing Pumps
Dosing Pumps
Drip Irrigation & Hole Punches
Drip Irrigation & Hole Punches
Fittings - Barbed
Fittings – Barbed
Fittings - Compression
Fittings – Compression
Fittings - Threaded
Fittings – Threaded
Fittings -Tricoflex Hose
Hose (Tricoflex) & Fittings
Hose Trolleys
Hose Trolleys
Lances, Spray Guns & Fittings
Lances, Spray Guns & Fittings
PVC Pipe Fittings
Pipe (PVC) & Fittings
Soaker Hose & Drip Line Pipe
Soaker Hose, Drip Line & Pipe
Sprinklers & Stands
Sprinklers & Stands
Water Storage Tanks
Water Storage Tanks
Draper Watering
Draper Watering